
The Common tern chicks have now both wandered away from the raft and are sitting in cover on the waters edge right in front of the Sand Martin hide. This gives even closer views of them being fed! Yesterday two more adult terns put in a brief appearance but were quickly seen off by the resident pair.

New broods of Tufted duck and Pochard have been appearing at various ponds and ditches around the site.

Water voles continue to show really well especially through the reedbed and the long path ditch.

A view butterfly sightings on warmer days include Speckled wood, Painted Lady and Red admiral.

Dragonflies remain at a low ebb but two male Black tailed skimmers out over the waters of the new Arun Riverlife was a welcome sight.

Flowering plants are reaching towards their most abundant time, with the Yellow Flag Iris, Ragged Robin, Marsh, Bee and Common spotted Orchids starting to fade, Meadow vetchling, Tufted Vetch, Oxeye daisy, Water Figwort, Red Clover, Greater and Common Birds foot trefoil, Meadow vetchling, Tufted vetch, Common Knapweed, Water forget-me-not, Hedge woundwort and Yellow water lily have bloomed. Meadowsweet, Purple loosestrife, Marsh woundwort, Fleabane and Hemp agrimony are all set to flower in the next few weeks.

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