The sun is shining and the birds are....

What a glorious day, sun is shining and warm enough to feel like spring. The birds on the reserve have also taken this as a sign. Water levels now falling exposing ground and islands that have been covered for two months have signalled the displaying of Lapwing. Black headed gulls have returned with much crying and squabbling and Greylag and Canada geese are pairing, letting each other know who is with who!

Birds singing this morning included Mistle thrush, Song thrush, Wren, Dunnock, Reed Bunting, Robin, Chaffinch, Nuthatch and Cettis warbler.

In the reedbed Water rail were calling.

Buff tailed bumblebee queen was out catching the warming sun.

Common toads were on the migration Monday and Tuesday nights while it was mild and wet. If you see any toads crossing Sussex roads remember to report these on the online form with the Sussex Amphibian and Reptile Group.

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