Visit the Scrape hide to look for snipe

The number of snipe onsite have increased.

The Scrape hide seems to be the hot spot for picking them out on the edges of the main island. The stripey markings of the snipe's feathers help them blend into the reeds and grasses.

A family of Egyptian geese are still between the Ramsar and Sand Martin hides. Look out for shovellers and gadwall with some teal and shelducks as well. Lots of common darter dragonflies still on the wing.

Last Thursday a white-tailed eagle was sighted flying over the reserve!

Below is not a list of all wildlife onsite. It is the recorded wildlife sightings by WWT staff noted on the morning walk around, with different areas recorded on different days.

Wed 12 Oct.

Scrape hide: 23 mallards, 8 shoveler, 3 gadwall, 1 teal, 1 water rail, 6 snipe on middle island

Sand Martin hide: 4 shelducks, 1 little egrets

Tues 11 Oct

Ramsar hide: 9 Canada geese, 4 shelducks, 2 moorhens, 1 coot, 1 snipe and 6 shoveller

Sand Martin hide: 4 gadwall, 3 black-headed gulls, 5 mallards, 2 coots.

Sun 9 Oct

Scrape hide: 8 snipe

Ramsar hide: 4 shelducks, 3 pochard, c30 house martins, 35 Canada geese, 8 greylag geese, 6 Egyptian geese

Wetland Discovery: 10 mallards, 1 gadwall, 5 tufted ducks, 5 coots

Sat 8 Oct

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 14 mallards, 5 moorhens, 24 coots, 16 Canada geese, 10 greylag, 16 tufted ducks, 1 mute swan, 1 black-headed gull, 3 kingfishers

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: 1 little egret, 4 Egyptian geese.

Fri 7 Oct

Wood Loop: 2 crow, 1 jackdaw, 1 mandarin duck, 1 wren, 3 blue tits, 1 great tit

Scrape hide: 5 snipe

Wetland Discovery: 1 pochard, 1 water rail

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: 1 pochard, 1 teal, 2 shoveler, 1 cormorant, 6 Egyptian geese and 1 little egret

Thurs 6 Oct

Wet grassland: 1 white tailed eagle

Scrape hide: 2 teal, 1 kingfisher

Reedbed: 43 mallards, 1 robin, 2 blue tits, 2 water rail, 1 Cetti’s warbler.

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