Wader area

After cutting a wet area opposite the Ramsar hide on Monday to attract some waders, today the oystercatcher family were joined by a Common Sandpiper. A pair of Redshank were in front of the Sand marti [...]

After cutting a wet area opposite the Ramsar hide on Monday to attract some waders, today the oystercatcher family were joined by a Common Sandpiper. A pair of Redshank were in front of the Sand martin hide on Sunday.

The pair of Swallows in the reedbed hide are still feeding their 4 well grown chicks which are stacking up in the cramped confines of the mud nest.

The pair of Common terns are still present after failing with two nests now. Will they pull off a late nest?

Still several Tufted duck hatching off their little black ducklings and three late Pochard females have hatched off some ducklings.

Reed and Sedge warblers are singing and nest building again for their second broods.

Kingfishers still being seen around the reserve occassionally.

Little Grebes are nest building again on wetland discovery.


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