Warmer weather?

Apologies for the lack of updates, lets catch you up!

So we have seen our first migrants coming through; Sand Martins, Swallows, Swifts and House Martins. The milder temperatures have meant the insects are finally appearing and that their is a food source for them.
The peregrines and buzzards are being seen daily over the reserve.
At the beginning of the week a Greater Scaup and a Garganey were seen from the Ramsar hide, but I have not seen them today.
Butterflies such as Brimstone and Peacock are showing well along with beautiful bumble bees.
Trees, hedges, grasses and reeds are finally starting to flourish, with Cetti's and Reed warblers, Reed buntings and Black caps singing at the top of their lungs.
The water voles are out in mass, the floods look to not have affected them as badly as we thought they might, there are a couple that are very accommodating and just sit on the banks, nibbling away at the fresh shoots.


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