Water rails and an Oystercatcher
A pair of water rails have been sighted in front of the Coastal Creek Aviary this week.
A pair of water rails have been sighted in the natural water treatment lagoon in front of the Coastal Creek Aviary this week as in this photo from regular visitor Alec Pelling. Gulls are still moving through in good numbers with common and black-headed gulls most prolific.
Cattle egrets are still roosting overnight and we are seeing more during the day, like these two below snapped by volunteer Andy Burns.
Pochards on Arun Riverlife lagoon, Wetland Discovery area and at the hide lagoons as weel – we will likely see a few pairs nesting onsite againt this year. Pairs of gadwall , shovellers and mallards around and lots of shelducks still onsite.
We have been seeing a kingfisher on the Long Path that runs behind the nesting bank on Arun Riverlife lagoon.
Wed 26 Feb
Ramsar and Sand Martin hide: 1 cattle egret, 10 lapwing, 4 gadwall, 2 teal, 14 shovelers, 8 cormorants, 3 Mediterranean gulls, c90 common gulls, c 280 black-headed gulls, 2 Egyptian geese, 11 shelducks, 1 pochard
Lapwing hide: 1 great white egret
Scrape hide: 4 greylag geese, 8 Canada geese, 6 mallards, 2 shelducks, 13 shovelers, 4 tufted ducks, 2 Egyptian geese, 5 pochards, 2 teal, 4 coots, 2 moorhens, 3 gadwall
Wetland Discovery area: 6 pochards
Stag beetle bird feeders: 1 nuthatch
Long path: 1 kingfisher
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 1 lapwing
Reedbed entrance: 4 snipe
In front of Coastal Creek aviary: 2 water rail.
Tues 25 Feb
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 5 pochard
Wetland Discovery: 2 pochards, 1 mute swan: 12 greylag geese, 40 Canada geese, 1 oystercatcher, 19 teal, 1 great white egret, 11 cattle egrets, 30 shoveler
Ramsar and Sand Martin hides large lagoon; 11 wood pigeons, 26 mallards, 30 gadwall, 2 pochard, 23 tufted ducks, 6 cormorants, 3 moorhens, 3 coots, 7 herring gulls, 17 lapwings, 34 black-headed gulls, 12 shelducks.
Mon 24 Feb
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 3 pochards
Ramsar and Sand Martin hides large lagoon: 7 cormorants, 16 gadwalls, 17 teal, 14 shelducks, 13 shovelers, 11 tufted ducks, 2 pochards, 2 Egyptian geese, 1 great white egret,
Lapwing hide: 4 mallards, 2 greylag geese, 2 Canada geese, 1 pheasant
Wetland Discovery: 1 pochard
Riverside walk ditch: 1 pochard
Scrape hide: 3 pochards, 24 shovelers, 10 tufted ducks, 2 shelducks, 4 gadwalls.
Sun 23 Feb
Pelican Cove: 1 pochard
Arun Riverlife: 5 pochards
Wetland Discovery: 23 mallards, 5 pochards, 6 Canada geese, 3 woodpigeons, 4 greylag geese, 1 snipe, 2 great tits, 1 wren, 2 chaffinches, 2 chiffchaff, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 2 goldfinches, 1 robin, 3 blue tits
Ramsar and Sand Martin hides large lagoon: 1 oystercatcher, 45 cattle egrets, 1 great white cattle egrets, 1 pochard, 9 lapwings, 1 sparrowhawk
Scrape hide: 4 pochards
Sat 22 Feb
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 30 Canada geese, 4 greylags, 1 black-headed gulls, 20 mallards, 3 coots, 11 tufted ducks, 1 moorhen, 2 pochards, 1 Egyptian geese, 2 herring gulls.
Ramsar and Sand Martin hides large lagoon: 44 lapwing, 1 common sandpiper, 4 pochards,1 Egyptian goose, 3 snipe, 1 pintail, 26 shoverlers, 18 shelducks, 14 tufted ducks, 28 teal, 7 cormorants, 1 kingfisher, 38 Canada geese, 12 greylag gees,
Scrape hide: 5 pochards, 16 shovelers, 10 teal.