Wednesday 30th March - Arundel wildlife sightings

Good Morning All! What a fabulous day.
Yesterday we had a Great Crested Grebe hanging around at the Scrape hide, I also saw this bird out on the river at the weekend. Although not spotted this morning, keep your eyes peeled.
Today's sightings are as follows;
LAPWING HIDE; Greylag & Canada geese, 5 Lapwing, 3 Wigeon, Teal, Black headed gulls,
Wood pigeon, Pheasant.
SAND MARTIN & RAMSAR HIDES; 8 Lapwing, Shelduck, Shoveler, Gadwall, Tufted duck, Greylag & Canada geese, Mediterranean/ Black headed/ Common & Herring gulls.
SCRAPE HIDE; Shelduck, Pochard, Teal, Canada goose, Black headed gull, Kingfisher.
WETLANDS DISCOVERY; Little Grebe, Tufted duck, Pochard, Greylag & Canada geese.
ARUN RIVER LIFE; Lapwing, Oyster catcher, Shelduck, Black headed gull, Tufted duck, Pochard, Canada geese, Teal, Grey wagtail.
RESERVE & GROUNDS; Grey & Pied wagtail, Reed bunting, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Great spotted woodpecker, Chaffinch, Tree Creeper, Wren, Cetti's warbler, Red poll, Chiff chaff, Blackbird, Robin, Blue/ Great & Long tailed tit, Collared dove, Jackdaw, Crow, Rook, Mallard & ducklings, Coot & young, Moorhen, Mute swans, Mandarin ducks, Water rail, Buzzard, Peregrine & Water voles.

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