Weekly sightings 22nd July

After some really warm weather the insects have made a noticeable appearance.

Star of the show is probably the amount of Red admirals. Other butterflies currently on the wing include Brimstone, Meadow brown, Gatekeeper and Ringlet. Brown hawkers have joined the many Black tailed Skimmers and damselflies. A Banded Demoiselle put in an appearance on Wetlands discovery and Red eyed Damselflies still out on the lily pads. Watch out for the Yellow loosestrife bee on patches of the same name plant especially up the central track through the reedbed. Tens of Ruby tailed wasps especially on the thatch of wetlands secrets.

Birds are thin on the ground currently whist the first hay crop is taken from some of the grassland areas. Early migrant waders this week included a Greenshank and Common sandpiper. At least two Kingfishers are showing most days around the reserve and Peregrine, Buzzard and Red Kite over the Hanger.

Oystercatchers can be heard most days and Tufted duck continue to hatch off broods of little dark brown ducklings.

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