Wildlife sightings

At least 17 Teal from the Ramsar hide today, along with the usual herons. A Snipe has put in an appearance today, the first of the autumn.

Highlight today was a Marsh Tit calling from the hedgerow at the edge of the wet grassland. This is a bird that is seen most years, but only a handful of sightings in the past few winters.

House martin flocks continue to move through the reserve with a scattering of Sand Martins amonst them. Last week Sand Martins were seen checking out the Sand Martin hide and even roosted there on Friday night that we know of.

Kingfishers are being seen regularly from the Scrape, Sand Martin and Ramsar hides as well as the usual Wetlands Discovery.

The usual dragonflies and butterflies can still be seen around the reserve.

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