Wildlife sightings

The cooler weather has sparked an increase in various species of duck. 6 Wigeon, 6 Shoveler and around 50 Teal were the more obvious arrivals. Snipe are showing well from most of the hides, with the Sand martin and Scrape hides having individuals at close quarters. Star bird was definitely a single Dunlin on Friday from the Sand martin hide and again at the Ramsar hide on Saturday. Up to eight Grey Herons coming to roost on the island to the right of the Ramsar hide most evenings and an increasing number of Starlings (70+) in the reedbed, roosting with the Pied wagtails.

Firecrest and Redpoll have been showing well during the week, with at least two firecrest and six Redpoll around the Ramsar hide area.

Brief springtime moments today with a Song thrush singing from the Hanger and a Great spotted woodpecker drumming at the woodland secrets area.

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