Wildlife sightings

Currently a good mix of bird species out on the reserve but nothing in any high numbers as yet.

Several Snipe from the Lapwing and Scrape hides with more probably hidden away.

Water rail continue to show well from the Scrape hide and through the reedbed.

The Pied wagtail roost continues with a growing number of Starlings (600-700) coming in prior to the wagtails. Small numbers of Reed bunting are also joining the roost as were several Redwing.

This morning highlights were 30 plus Teal whistling and displaying from the Ramsar hide, two Wigeon from the scrape hide and 5 Bullfinches feeding on spindle buds opposite the Trumpeter pen.

Arun riverlife produced 10 Teal (highest count since the renovation works) and 50 Tufted duck. Kingfishers continue to be seen daily and from most of the hides around the reserve.

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