Wildlife sightings

The normal suspects of Teal, Shelduck, Lapwing , Snipe, Shoveler, Gadwall, Grey heron and of course the very regular stars of the reserve 'the Kingfisher' around the reserve at the moment. There are a pair and at least one other male showing from most of the hides and the main centre Arun riverlife lake.

Smaller birds include Peregrine, Kestrel, Bullfinch, Firecrest, Goldcrest, Long tailed tit, Nuthatch, Song thrush, Mistle thrush, Great spotted woodpecker, Water rail and Grey wagtail to name but a few. A wintering Chiffchaff is also regular around the Sand martin hide.

The Starling roost continues with around two thousand coming to the reedbed for the night. Smaller numbers of Reed bunting and Pied wagtails are also joining the them.

Water voles continue to show in some parts of the reserve.

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