Around Caerlaverock, Monday 21st December 2015

Little change from yesterday, with a lot of water lying both on the fields and unfortunately within the avenues. Wellingtons remain an essential footwear item for full access to the more outlying hides and towers. The two American ducks are at their usual stations this morning, flocks of Golden Plovers and Lapwings are using the wet fields and there are a good number of Redshank on the Folly Pond. Goose numbers appear to have dropped but this will be due to their habit of dispersing into many smaller flocks in these wet and windy conditions. The road is closed at Cummertrees again due to flooding, so visitors arriving from the direction of Carlisle/M6 should re-route via the minor road to Ruthwell and Cummertrees from A75 at Kinmount

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 3000
Whooper Swans: 122

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 122
Mute Swan 51
Ring-necked Duck 1♂
Greater Scaup - no sign yet today
Mallard 50
Tufted Duck 35
Wigeon 30
Gadwall 2
Little Grebe 1
Canada Geese 90
Greylag Geese 30

Folly Pond
Green-winged Teal 1♂
Teal 200
Wigeon 400
Mallard 6
Shoveler 26
Gadwall 2

Avenue Tower
Flood Ground:
Teal 150
Wigeon 200
Mallard 35
Gadwall 3
Grey Heron 1

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Hen Harrier 1♂ - seen most days
Little Egret 3
Barnacle Geese
Over the high tide:
Dunlin 3000
Knot 1000
Golden Plover 700
Grey Plover 200
Shelduck 3000
Pintail 1000
Peregrine 1
Merlin 1

Back Pond Hide
Kingfisher 1

Peter Scott Trail
Water Rail 2

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Song Thrush
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Lesser Redpoll
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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