Reserve update, Monday Jan 23rd

Despite the foggy conditions today we've had quite an exciting morning. Three otters (female and two slightly smaller cubs) emptied the Whooper Pond of birds first thing, but once everything had settled down and the otters moved off we had a good count of 229 Whooper Swans, including some ringed birds seen for the first time this winter, among them were/are Z7D with a mate and 4 young. These birds were seen at Welney  earlier this season, so evidence of movement there. The single female Goosander was also on the pond again. Yesterday there was a flock of 70 Twite at the bottom of The Avenue for a while. Green-winged Teal remains on Folly Pond but we've yet to locate the American Wigeon...

Todays high tide is at 08:56, 7.5m

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 4000-ish

Whooper Swans: 229

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 229
Mute Swan 45
Mallard 190
Wigeon 60
Tufted Duck 14
Gadwall 1 ♂
Teal 8
Canada Geese 190
Moorhen 10
Oystercatcher 2 - prospecting for nesting sites
Otter 3

Folly Pond
Green-winged Teal 1♂ 
Teal 250
Wigeon 400
Shoveler 8
Shelduck 2
Black-tailed Godwit 80
Little Egret 2
Mallard 29
Moorhen 3

Teal Pond
Wigeon 2
Teal 10
Mallard 1
Moorhen 3

Avenue Tower
American Wigeon 1 ♂ - possibly here, could also be on the Folly Pond...
Wigeon 750+
Teal  500+
Shoveler 7
Pintail 3
Whooper Swan 3
Greylag Geese 20
Curlew 35
Lapwing 40
Golden Plover 60
Little Egret 9
Longhorn Cattle 3

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Peregrine 1
Merlin 1
Kestrel 1
Hen Harrier 1

Golden Plover
Grey Plover
Hebridean Sheep 12

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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The winter webcam is now showing the Whooper Pond during the day and the badger feeding area from 5pm onwards.

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