Latest sightings

06/07/2017- Mandarin

06/07/2017- Mandarin

  Another successful walk down to the avenue tower this morning, when a female Mandarin was picked up among the ducks on the flooded Lochar field. This species has only been recorded on the reserve a handful of times. Although only feral populations

6 July 2017

Sightings - 05/07/2017

Sightings - 05/07/2017

  The highlight of the morning was a juvenile Garganey that was found in the Lochar field, viewable from the avenue tower. The bird was very elusive in the long grass but can be picked up using a scope from the top floor of the tower. The field has

5 July 2017

Sightings 03/07/2017

Sightings 03/07/2017

A Spotted Flycatcher was showing well again this morning, sitting on the fence line by the entrance to the summer walk half way down the avenue. A couple of Common Sandpipers are dotted around the reserve, with two on the Whooper Pond and one on the Folly

3 July 2017

Sightings - 30/06/2017

Sightings - 30/06/2017

  A pair of Spotted Flycatchers are still down the avenue, spending most of their time about half way down to the tower. They are however, being extremely illusive and only being seen a couple of times a week. In other news we are starting to see som

30 June 2017

26/06/2017 - OTTER

26/06/2017 - OTTER

  The undoubted highlight of the day was an Otter that was fishing on the Whooper Pond for over an hour first thing this morning. It gave some amazing views right in front of the observatory window, some pictures below! Also today, 5 Raven calling hi

26 June 2017

Latest Sightings - 24th June

Latest Sightings - 24th June

It's turning out to be a bright and sunny morning here, with a bit of a breeze. Still more young birds along the Avenues and in the hides. The Swallows in the Teal Pond hide have fledged 5 youngsters yesterday, they were still hopping around inside the hi

24 June 2017

Latest Sightings - 22nd June

Latest Sightings - 22nd June

Butterflies are now being seen around the reserve so keep a eye open for them when walking around. The  four very noisy Swallow chicks that can now be seen in the teal pond hide are looking like they are going to fledge any day now, with more chicks

22 June 2017

Latest Sightings - 17th June

Latest Sightings - 17th June

  The Black-headed Gull chicks are doing well on the Flood Ground, 3 of them have hatched on one of the rafts. The Oystercatcher chick on the Teal Pond is also doing very well as you can see below... The Mute Swan family are still on the Whooper Pon

17 June 2017

Latest Sightings - 16th June - Mute Swan cygnets!

Latest Sightings - 16th June - Mute Swan cygnets!

The Avenues have completely dried out now, so there is no need for wellies. The Mute Swan family are now on the Whooper Pond, arriving to be fed this morning. They have hatched 4 cygnets, which are only a day or so old! You can see them in front of the

16 June 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 14th June

Reserve Update Wednesday 14th June

It is baby bird bonanza down at the Teal Pond this morning.  There is still the one Oystercatcher chick being attentively fed by it's parents.  Four very noisy Swallow chicks can now be seen in the hide itself, with more chicks heard on a nest outside

14 June 2017

Monday update, June 12th

Monday update, June 12th

Calmer this morning after quite severe winds all of yesterday which made for difficult birding, though around the high tide there were several Fulmars and Gannets battling their way back out to sea from the Inner Solway where the inclement conditions had

12 June 2017

Latest Sightings - 10th June - still very wet!

Latest Sightings - 10th June - still very wet!

Even wetter Avenues this morning, so walking boots or wellies are essential for reaching the Avenue Tower and Saltcot Merse Observatory! We will do our best to make them accessible, but there is little we can do at the moment. Last night we conducted our

10 June 2017

Latest sightings - 9th June - very wet Avenues

Latest sightings - 9th June - very wet Avenues

If you are planning to visit this weekend, boots or wellies are needed to get down the Avenues. It is very wet underfoot thanks to the heavy rain last week. The Avenues are worth the walk at the moment, with fantastic numbers of young birds around. Recen

9 June 2017

Tuesday June 6th update

Tuesday June 6th update

Nearly two inches of rain over the last 48hrs and it's still coming... Spectacular numbers of hirundines hunting in the lee of the banking on the south side of the main avenue this morning. House Martins in particular seem to be doing well here this seaso

6 June 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 3rd June

Reserve Update Saturday 3rd June

Another lovely start to the day with fledgling birds down the Avenue and more of our wildflowers coming out in the Meadow and Avenues.  There has also been a bumper number of Brown Hares visible first thing this morning with three in the fields down at t

3 June 2017