Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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On Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June we will be holding our first ever BioBlitz here at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre. A BioBlitz is a collaborative race, where members of the public and expert naturalists come together to find, identify and record as many different types of wildlife as they can!


Visitors will be able to get close to normally hidden wetland wildlife, including reptiles, small mammals, amphibians and moths, and learn from our experts how to recognise them.


An expert from Reptile and Amphibian Conservation will be bringing reptiles along in tanks for visitors to see (just in case the weather isn’t good enough to see wild ones!), and moth and small mammal traps will be set and checked, giving visitors a great chance to take photos and learn more about wetland biodiversity. Visitors can also enjoy some owl pellet dissecting, finding the bones inside to discover what the wild owls on the reserve have been eating!


There will be an exclusive one-off opportunity for visitors to join a guided walk out on to our saltmarsh, looking for plants, crabs, sea slaters and other creatures, with the help of our experts. We are also running a late night bat and amphibian survey to explore wetland wildlife after dark!


Anyone who comes along to the event will have a chance to be part of a genuine scientific survey, generating environmental records for national databases, while having fun, learning and socialising! We will post an update of how many species we were able to record after the event, and you can keep up-to-date with our sightings over the weekend on facebook (/wwtllanelli) and twitter (@wwtllanelli).


For a full list of wildlife surveys we will be running at the event, please visit:


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