Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Dawn chorus report

Reed warbler

A fantastic diversity of birds was heard at our Dawn Chorus event on Saturday 4 May, despite a wet and cloudy start to the day!

Within just a few metres of the centre, willow warblers were singing, while at the top of the visitor car park, whitethroat and lesser whitethroat were soon heard. Chiffchaffs, wrens and blackcaps were heard throughout the walk around the Millennium Wetlands reserve, including chiffchaffs making contact calls to each other to form feeding groups in the relatively cold weather. Great tits sang their instantly recognisable song, as well as tricking the group by mimicking the songs of other birds, including a song thrush – although the real thing was encountered later on the walk!

Towards the pond walk a sparrowhawk flew overhead, and a goldcrest was heard singing its delicate song, which centre manager Nigel Williams, who led the walk, described as a “squeaky wheel on a wheelbarrow”. Visitors on the walk were also treated to the sight of reed warblers flying between reed beds only a few metres away, singing their distinctive song, and a small flock of whimbrel flying leisurely overhead. Unfortunately the grasshopper warbler that had been seen and heard for a couple of days before the event did not make an appearance!


Complete list of the birds heard at the dawn chorus:

Cetti’s warbler, willow warbler, chiffchaff, great tit, song thrush, bullfinch, goldcrest, chaffinch, whitethroat, lesser whitethroat, wren, blackcap, reed warbler, sedge warbler, woodpigeon, blackbird, robin.

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