Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Discover wetlands this summer by canoe, by bike or on foot!

Leon canoeingLeon on bikeLeon at water vole city

Family member Leon Lucas enjoying summer holiday activities! Thank you to Lee Lucas for the photos.


A summer full of activities lies ahead at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre - where everyday throughout the summer holidays you can enjoy a fantastic wetland adventure, starting on Wednesday 24 July.

Discover wetlands by boat on our canoe safari, getting close to wetland wildlife at eye level including mute swans (and their cygnets!),  dragonflies, damselflies and if you’re lucky, even water voles! You can also borrow a bike to explore our extensive wetland reserve, all on the safe, flat tracks of our bike trail. Look out for butterflies, dragonflies, birds, and expanses of summer flowers, and don’t forget to take the kids up to our water vole city play area where they can explore our network of tunnels just like real water voles!

You can also take part in a minibeast hunt, pond dipping, craft activities and flamingo watches, where you can see the tiny baby flamingo chicks through binoculars and a telescope, and see a real flamingo egg!

All activities are included in the cost of admission and free to WWT members, except for the craft workshops which incur a small charge to cover the cost of materials.

For more information, visit

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