Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Discover wonderful wildlife as you Walk with a Warden this Spring at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Explore the Millennium Wetlands with our warden for our first Walk with a Warden session of the year this Friday 7 April at 11am.

Spring is a great time to discover the wildlife highlights on our fantastic 80ha reserve and our warden will help you use your senses to explore and gain a unique insight to how our wardens manage the diverse habitats for nature.

Senior Reserve Warden Brian Briggs said: “We’re excited to get visitors out exploring the reserve for the first in a series of special walks which will run monthly until July. These walks are a great opportunity to learn new skills as we will help you to identify hidden wildlife from their tracks and songs and how to recognise prints in the mud made by foxes, water voles and other mammals. We also hope to point out to visitors some reptiles, butterflies, dragonflies and birds including breeding warblers, wildfowl and our noisy gull colony.

We have been seeing otters on the reserve regularly over the last few weeks so we’ll also show you how to identify their runs and spraints (droppings).”

If you miss this Walk with a Warden session, be sure to join us on one of the other walks we have planned on Saturday 13 May, Thursday 8 June and Saturday 8 July all leaving at 11am from the Water Lab and lasting approximately an hour and a half.

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