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Don't miss your chance to go on our LEGO® Brick Wetland Safari

The LEGO® Brick Wetland Safari will end on Sunday 4 September and is included in admission or free for members.

Can you believe we're so far through the summer holidays already? With just one month of our fabulous LEGO® Brick Wetland Safari to go, make sure you add Llanelli Wetland Centre to your family's 'must-see' list soon.

Built to raise awareness of the challenges facing wetlands and the creatures that depend on them to survive, the 15 unique models that make up the LEGO® Brick Wetland Safari have captured the imagination of thousands of children already this summer.

With some characters scaled up to twelve times the size of their living counterpart, they really grab attention, helping people to see our real-life wetland superstars in a whole new light. But don't take our word for it; see what some of our recent visitors have had to say about their day with us.

When asked about one of our new models, Percy the Pelican, young visitor Benji, aged 7, said:

I can’t believe how long people spent building these Legos. And they had so many bricks, I’m jealous! The pelican is my favourite character because I can imagine his wings stretched out massive like a real bird. I love him!

Allison from Monmouth visited us with her three children:

Finding something to do that suits us all is always really hard. We normally don’t go as far out as this, but we’re so glad we did. It’s a real gem of a place. I had no idea all of this was here.

The kids loved the Lego and canoes, and me and their dad have loved the interactions we’ve had with the older two. Genuinely can’t remember the last time Rhys didn’t have his Switch in front of him. It’s just magic. We will be back!

Louise and her family had such a great time exploring, they became WWT members. Louise said:

We had a wonderful trip to see the Lego animal trail. The children were delighted and we took lots of photos. Now we are home, and they are busy sorting our pictures in order of bricks needed to build each animal. We're going to make an album of them all to remember our trip!

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Llanelli Wetland Centre Marketing Manager Jessica Thompson said:

We are absolutely delighted by the excited reactions we’ve had from families first seeing our giant Lego models.

The best part has been watching children respond to the different species, absorbing the interesting facts and figures, with some even acting out what they’ve discovered. It’s been great to see so many arms stretched out to copy Percy the Pelican’s incredible wingspan of over three metres – although nobody’s managed to top that number just yet!

The trail complements our daily nature activities, like pond dipping and minibeast hunts, and we hope that these fun moments of awe are just the start of a lifelong love of wetland nature and wildlife. Who knows, some of these youngsters could become future conservationists or the next Iolo Williams!

To see the nature activities available when you visit, check the What's On board when you arrive or click here.

The LEGO® Brick Wetland Safari will end on Sunday 4 September.

The trail is included in admission or free for WWT members. Join today and visit any WWT centre as often as you like for free.

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