Embrace the restorative power of wild wetland nature this autumn
Take a moment to inhale the fresh autumn air that blows through the golden reedbeds. Try to let go of the usual everyday worries, and find a moment of calm in our wetlands full of inspiring wildlife and natural spectacles.
Autumn comes with its golden light, ancient migrations and some of the most dramatic transformations of the year.
The fresher winds ebb and flow, rustling through the browning reedbeds as they have done ever since the first reeds grew in the first wetlands. Here, you can ground yourself, immersed in some of the oldest and most biodiverse habitats on Earth.
Modern life is full of change, stress and uncertainty. We're so far removed from our role in nature, we often forget we are a part of it. Cocoon and restore your precious sense of self by looking for the reassuring signs of continuation that Mother Nature offers at this time of year. This is bigger than us.
Make time for an uplifting break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life this autumn, and discover a deeper connection with nature in our beautiful wetlands, full of inspirational wildlife.
Huge flocks of ducks descend upon our patch at this time of year to make use of the specially flooded meadows, scattered with the summer's fallen wildflower seeds - a rich and nutritious soup to see them through the winter. Listen to Teal and Wigeon dabbling in the water as they sift sloppily through the waters, the splashing interspersed with their respective whistle-calls to each other.
Out on the lagoons, estuary and saltmarsh, masses of migratory waders make a stopover for sanctuary on their epic migrations. A chance to rest, socialise and refuel.
Resident Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing and Redshank flocks are boosted with new arrivals, and Snipe, Whimbrel, Curlew, Greenshank, Ruff, and more join the feathered fray. This year we are expecting counts of over 1000 Black-tailed Godwit and potentially 90 Greenshank.
A big autumn tide can push breathtaking numbers of birds into the saline lagoons, so look for hungry Sparrowhawk and Peregrine scouting them out overhead - causing quite the commotion with just their presence.
Spend some time thinking about where all of these seemingly delicate and fragile wading birds have come from, and where they might be going. Their journeys are so long and dangerous, simply contemplating the effort and determination shown by such small creatures is mindblowing. Every bird you see is a miracle who beat the odds to be there in front of you at this moment. This is what makes nature unbeatable and extraordinary - nothing can compare to its power, and you are a part of it.
Birds of a feather
As the days grow shorter, watch for mesmerising murmurations as you stroll along the quiet reedbed paths. The silhouettes of hundreds of Starlings or Jackdaws flying in perfect formation against an open, pastel-coloured early-evening sky will take your breath away. Lose yourself watching every twist and turn, listening to the chatter and excitement of the birds as they reunite to roost after a busy day foraging for food.
Check our sightings reports for the latest wildlife highlights here.

Fallen leaves, crunchy walks, fabulous fungi
The traditional yellows, reds and other rusty hues of fallen autumn leaves pile up underfoot, crunching deliciously as you walk. Don't forget to look out for Toadstools and Mushrooms on rotting wood and leaves at this time of year.
There's a kingdom of beautiful and fascinating fungi to be seen, with so many varied colours and intriguing names to discover. Look for blood-chilling dead man's fingers living up to their name, bright yellow-orange chicken of the woods, common stinkhorn (please don't laugh), scarlet elf cup and big round puffballs.
Care for nature, care for yourself
One of the best ways to connect with nature is to look after it. Become a WWT member and you are becoming an important advocate for both wetlands and the amazing wildlife they support. Without this commitment, we’d simply not be able to do what we do.
Find out more about the incredible things your membership money helps us to achieve and how to join the WWT family here.
Ready to visit?
If you've been inspired to explore Llanelli Wetland Centre this autumn and restore your wellbeing, find out more and plan your visit online.