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Exciting new play area launched at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre!

An overgrown woodland, which has been closed to the public for 20 years, has been transformed into a wild trek for adventurous youngsters at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust’s Llanelli Wetland Centre in Carmarthenshire.

The Explore play area is a maze of challenges, covering the size of a football field, which includes stepping stones, log scramble piles, tight ropes, giant bird nests, a wishing well, and much more!

The project, generously funded by People’s Postcode Lottery, is designed for visitors looking to get off the beaten-track.

Llanelli Wetland Centre manager Nigel Williams said:

“We are opening up a new area for people to enjoy that visitors couldn’t get to before which is really exciting for us. We want people to explore – hence the name. It doesn’t follow your standard path design. There is lots to discover and obstacles to tackle such as balances over water and leap challenges. It’s been designed to test your skills and provides a rugged alternative to your standard playground.”

There are two paths of different difficulty to guide explorers through the jungle of reeds, over boggy balance beams and through to the sunken roundhouse and secret fishing well. Along your journey, you’ll be able to spot plant life such as birch, willow and poplar, as well as the wild creatures who have made the area their home, including moles, toads, green woodpeckers, robins, reed warblers, and many others.

Don't forget your wellies!

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