Wetland willow creations!
Over the school Christmas holidays we ran two willow sculpture workshops for our visitors, creating individually designed 2D willow sculptures based on wetland themes. All ages got involved from young children to adults, bending willow to create a framework then using coloured wet strength tissue paper to add detail, colour and pattern.
Volunteer Eric James, a retired technology teacher, who ran the workshop said “Families worked enthusiastically to produce some fantastic creatures – the finished sculptures have been the most creative I’ve ever seen from one of these workshops”.
The workshops were extremely popular, everyone really enjoyed taking part and impressive high quality animals were produced including kingfishers, butterflies, a great spotted woodpecker, a red kite, a duck and lots of fish! Following on from the popularity of the workshop, Eric has offered to run another workshop on Easter Sunday, 31 March, where you can even make a willow Easter bunny! Visit http://www.wwt.org.uk/visit/llanelli/whats-on/2013/03/31/easter-willow-sculpture-workshop/ for more information.