High Tide Watch

Enjoy one of the highest evening tides of the autumn in this exclusive and unmissable after-hours wildlife event.

Witness the unforgettable sights and sounds of hundreds of feeding birds being pushed closer to your viewpoint by the rising water as the sun sets on one of the year's highest tides. Autumn is an incredible birdwatching season here at Llanelli Wetland Centre, with thousands of migratory birds following the ancient flightpath of their ancestors for a stopover or rest in this 'avian airport', and many migrating to spend the whole winter in this internationally important estuary.

Date: Wednesday 18 September

Time: 6 pm - 8 pm

Cost: £16 per person

Tea, coffee, and Welsh cakes will be provided. Sandwiches and snacks will also be available to buy in the cafe.

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