Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Recent sightings 25th - 28th May

Recent sightings 25th - 28th May

Highlights include Southern Marsh Orchid, Marsh Harrier and Little Ringed Plover

28 May 2019

Recent sightings 22nd - 24th May

Recent sightings 22nd - 24th May

Highlights include, Little ringed plover, Cuckoo and Small copper butterfly

24 May 2019

Recent sightings 18th - 21st May

Recent sightings 18th - 21st May

Highlights include Song Thrush, Treecreeper and Garganey

21 May 2019

Recent sightings 15th - 17th May

Recent sightings 15th - 17th May

Highlights include, Cuckoo, Palmate newt, Hedgehog and Hairy dragonfly

17 May 2019

Recent sightings 11th - 14th May

Recent sightings 11th - 14th May

British Steel HideOver on the saline lagoons have been 3 Spoonbill, Redshank, Lapwing, Shelduck and Gadwall. On the Dafen scrapes has been a male Garganey, the pair of Little Ringed Plover are still present, Shoveler, Wigeon, Teal, Tufted Duck, Gadwall an

14 May 2019

Recent sightings 8th - 10th May

Recent sightings 8th - 10th May

Highlights include, Turtle dove, Black tern and Little ringed plover

10 May 2019

Recent sightings 4th - 7th May

Recent sightings 4th - 7th May

Highlights include, Broad-bodied chaser dragonfly, Little ringed plover and Garden warbler.

8 May 2019

Recent sightings 1st - 3rd May

Recent sightings 1st - 3rd May

Highlights include, Wheater, Whimbrel and Lesser Whitethroat

3 May 2019

Recent sightings 24th - 30th April

Recent sightings 24th - 30th April

Highlights include, Common Blue, Garganey, Common Sandpiper

30 April 2019

Recent sightings 17th - 19th April

Recent sightings 17th - 19th April

Highlights include, Sedge Warbler, Egyptian goose and Nuthatch

19 April 2019

Recent sightings 13th-16th April

Recent sightings 13th-16th April

Highlights include Avocet, Wheatear and Lesser Whitethroat

16 April 2019

Recent sightings 10th -12th April

Recent sightings 10th -12th April

Highlights include, Marsh harrier, Slow worm and Orange tip butterfly

12 April 2019

Recent sightings 6th-9th April

Recent sightings 6th-9th April

Highlights include Otter with 2 kits, Wheatear and Avocet

9 April 2019

Recent sightings 3rd - 5th April

Recent sightings 3rd - 5th April

Highlights include, Whooper swan, Willow warbler and Sparrowhawk

5 April 2019

Recent sightings 30th March - 2nd April

Recent sightings 30th March - 2nd April

Highlights include Cattle Egret, Otter, Peregrine Falcon

2 April 2019