Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Eider 32 - drifting east up the estuary Great White Egret - Seen on the outer scrape and on the saltmarsh Black-Tailed Godwit 43 Lapwing 25 Redshank 202 Greenshank 17 Curlew 308 Oystercatcher 45 Spotted Redshank 2 Dunlin 1 Teal 45 Shelduck 79 Gadwall 12

11 March 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Teal 15 Mallard 11 Gadwall 11 Tufted Duck 34 Pochard 7 Pintail 1 Coot 5 Moorhen 2 Water Rail 1 Greylag Goose 1 Mute Swan 2 Little Grebe 1 Shelduck 7 Snipe 11 Curlew 1 Herring Gull 5 Black-Headed Gull 2 Cormorant 21 Grey Heron 2 Little Egret 2 Lesser Redp

7 March 2016

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

  Curlew 99 Oystercatcher 434 Lapwing 34 Redshank 15 Grey Plover 8 Dunlin 40 Greenshank 6 Spotted Redshank 2 Great White Egret (other side of the estuary but viewable with telescope) Little Egret 8 Wigeon 51 Shoveler 2 Teal 10 Mallard 8 Gadwall 8 Tu

4 March 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Common Crossbill 6 Lesser Redpoll 7 Redwing 17 Goldcrest 2 Pied Wagtail 1 Stonechat 2 Jack Snipe 1 Snipe 16 Lapwing 6 Buzzard 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Shelduck 32 Pochard 12 Shoveler 18 Tufted Duck 53 Teal 27 Gadwall 29 Mallard 36 Great Crested Grebe 1 Little Gre

29 February 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Common Lizard 2 Common Crossbill 6 Glossy Ibis 1 Greenshank 16 Redshank 65 Spotted Redshank 2 Curlew 293 Lapwing 63 Black Tailed Godwit 165 Knot 1 Little Egret 13 Grey Heron 1 Shelduck 157 Wigeon 41 Teal 14 Gadwall 18 Tufted Duck 28 Mallard 13 Pochard 2

26 February 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

British Steel Hide and Observatory Lapwing 60 Grey Plover 50 Knot 66 Dunlin 311 Redshank 37 Oystercatcher 476 Curlew 47 Shoveler 6 Mallard 155 Tufted Duck 28 Wigeon 37 Teal 13 Shelduck 157 Pochard 2 Gadwall 18 Coot 2 Moorhen 54 Greylag 38 Cormorant 1 Blac

22 February 2016

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Greenshank Cormorant 24 Curlew 4 Black Headed Gull 233 Lesser Black Backed Gull 15 Great Black Backed Gull 3 Shelduck 10 Black Tailed Godwit 1 Little Egret 3 Mallard 21 Greylag 44 Canada Goose 8 Greenshank 2 Redshank

19 February 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Bittern 1 Cormorant 11 Coot 4 Gadwall 9 Grey Heron 2 Mallard 17 Moor Hen 3 Shelduck 8 Pochard 4 Tufted Duck 18 Herring Gull 5 Snipe 23 Shoveler 6 Teal 17 Lapwing 14 Mute 6 Little Grebe 2 Little Egret 4 Redwing 4 Red Kite 1 Great Crested Grebe 1 Buzzard 1

15 February 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Great Bittern at Slimbridge by Graham Hann Millennium Wetlands Bittern Seen 8/2/16 and 11/2/16 British Steel Hide Great Crested Grebe 5 Shelduck 11 Oystercatcher 2 Greater Black Backed Gull 1 Brent Goose 2 Lapwing 93

12 February 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Bittern 8/2/2016 Little Egret 2 Pochard 15 Lapwing 12 Cormorant 13 Coot 2 Mallard  29 Gadwall 3 Moor Hen 2 Tufted Duck 26 Teal 18 Little Grebe 2 Grey Heron 1 Shelduck 7 Shoveler 9 Snipe 11 Greylag 2 Mute Swans 4

8 February 2016

Recent Sightings - British Steel Hide + Estuary

Recent Sightings - British Steel Hide + Estuary

Oystercatcher 2725 Black-Tailed Godwit 40 Curlew 432 Lapwing 23 Spotted Redshank 3 Greenshank 6 Redshank 16 Grey Plover 4 Dunlin 229 Knot c.150 Wigeon 142 Shoveler 33 Shelduck 139 Teal 1 Pintail 37 Greylag Goose 21 Brent Goose 440 Lesser Black-Backed Gull

5 February 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Short eared owl 1 Red Kite 1 Merlin 1 Gadwall 17 Pochard 5 Teal 15 Shoveler 4 Mallard 12 Tufted Duck 7 Grey Heron 1 Little Egret 6 Moorhen 2 Coot 3 Shelduck 2 Lapwing 420 Dunlin 1 Snipe 33 Black-Headed Gull 1

1 February 2016

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Curlew 247 Lapwing 265 Redshank 5 Black-Tailed Godwit 7 Dunlin 3 Greenshank 6 Shelduck 140 Pintail 5 Tufted Duck 13 Mallard 35 Wigeon 50 Teal 113 Greylag Goose 13 Barnacle Goose 1 Great Crested Grebe 1 Little Egret 3 Great White Egret 1 Grey Heron 2 Herr

29 January 2016

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide + Bittern

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide + Bittern

22/01/2016 Bittern 1 - Viewed briefly from the Heron's Wing hide 25/01/2016 Great White Egret 1 Redshank 5 Curlew 37 Black-Tailed Godwit 7 Lapwing 145 Dunlin 3 Mallard 45 Tufted Duck 13 Shelduck 140 Pintail 1 Wigeon 28 Little Egret 3 Herring Gull 1 Great

25 January 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Red Kite 1 Hen Harrier 1 Merlin 1 Buzzard 1 Kingfisher 1 Mallard 22 Gadwall 54 Shoveler 35 Teal 34 Pochard 1 Tufted Duck 19 Coot 17 Moorhen 4 Water Rail 2 Cormorant 9 Grey Heron 2 Shelduck 3 Snipe 12 Lapwing 1 Mute Swan 6 Greylag 1 Little Grebe 3 Herring

22 January 2016