Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Little Ringed Plover

Little Ringed Plover

British Steel hide A little ringed plover was on the NRA scrapes today.

1 July 2015

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

Sir Peter Scott hide 20 Mediterranean gull, 200 black tailed godwit, 2 teal, wigeon, 35 gadwall, 5 pochard, 6 tufted duck and 10 shoveler. British Steel hide 6 Mediterranean gull, greenshank, 3 redshank, 10 black tailed godwit, grey heron and little egr

23 June 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 11 common scoter, greenshank, 3 redshank, 178 black tailed godwit and 2 knot. Lagoon The Mediterranean gull pair have one chick and they can be seen on the right hand side island as you look out from the Boardwalk hide.

17 June 2015

Today's Wildlife Sightings

Today's Wildlife Sightings

Millennium Wetlands Little Gull, 2 teal, cuckoo, 280 black tailed godwit, 2 lapwing, 9 Mediterranean gull, lesser whitethroat, hairy dragonfly and black tailed skimmer.

8 June 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 4 sanderling, 50+ dunlin, 15 whimbrel, 2 little egret, 4 great crested grebe, 8 cormorant, 6 tufted duck and 10 gadwall. Lagoon 218 black-tailed godwit, 2 Mediterranean gull and the first black headed gull chicks have fledged.

19 May 2015

Common Tern

Common Tern

Lagoon A common tern was flying around the lagoon at midday and was later seen in front of the Sir Peter Scott hide.

18 May 2015

Pectoral Sandpiper

Pectoral Sandpiper

NRA Scrapes A pectoral sandpiper was found late afternoon on the NRA scrapes, best viewed from the Goodall's hide. Also present was the adult little gull.

11 May 2015

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

British Steel hide The little gull was seen briefly in front of the hide this morning. Millennium Wetlands The first spotted flycatcher of the year was at fishing platforms 1 and 2. Other birds included 4 lesser whitethroat and 6 cetti's warbler. 2 hairy

7 May 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Lagoon The adult summer little gull was sat on the water all day and best viewed from the Observatory or Boardwalk hide. British Steel hide 73 whimbrel, grey plover, 2 wigeon and 2 shoveler.

6 May 2015

Little Gull

Little Gull

British Steel hide/estuary An adult little gull was on the NRA scrapes from mid morning, best viewed from the British Steel hide. Other birds included; sandwich tern, 8 turnstone, 20 ringed plover, 100+ dunlin, 2 bar tailed godwit, 320 black tailed godwi

5 May 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Lagoon 620 black tailed godwit, common sandpiper, 5 redshank, 6 teal and 4 Mediterranean gull. British Steel hide 3 greenshank, 4 wigeon, 4 teal, peregrine, 8 cormorant and 5 little egret.

28 April 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Millennium Wetlands Grasshopper warbler, 2 lesser whitethroat, 27 sedge warbler, 10 reed warbler, 6 willow warbler, 17 whitethroat, 37 blackcap, 22 chiffchaff, 10 reed bunting, 6 goldcrest and 2 snipe.

27 April 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Ruff   Lagoon 360 black tailed godwit, 4 teal, 4 tufted duck and 4 Mediterranean gull. British Steel hide 2 ruff, 80 dunlin, 20+ whimbrel, 4 greenshank, 20 redshank, 30 black tailed godwit and 4 great crested gre

23 April 2015

First Swift

First Swift

Millennium Wetlands The first swift of the year flew over the Western Scrapes mid morning. Other birds included 2 lesser whitethroat, 10 pochard, common sandpiper, green woodpecker, 2 sparrowhawk and buzzard. British Steel hide 2 male ruff were on the NRA

22 April 2015

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide 21 whimbrel, wheatear, 1 spotted redshank (summer plumaged), 460 black tailed godwit, common sandpiper, 5 greenshank, 57 redshank, 42 curlew, 12 dunlin, 10 tufted duck, 2 pochard, 2 shoveler, 16 teal, 15 gadwall, 7 wigeon, 118 shelduck,

21 April 2015