Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Grey Heron British Steel hide Spotted redshank, 17 greenshank, 106 lapwing, 5 snipe, 400 black tailed godwit, 20 knot, 8 redshank, 4 curlew, 11 little egret, 2 grey heron, 2 little grebe, 26 tufted duck, 28 teal, 22 w

30 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide / estuary Great white egret, 5 spotted redshank, 29 greenshank, 661 black tailed godwit, 139 redshank, 324 curlew, 11 dunlin, 137 knot, 15 lapwing, 30 little egret, grey heron, 2 little grebe, 4 shoveler, 67 wigeon, 25 shelduck and 3 gr

28 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 7 little egret, water rail, kingfisher, 5 greenshank, black tailed godwit, 5 lapwing, 35 greylag goose, 65 wigeon, 104 gadwall, 63 pintail, 37 shoveler, 2 grey wagtail, 4 goldcrest and sparrowhawk.

26 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide / estuary 3 spotted redshank, 16 greenshank, 717 black tailed godwit, 3 bar tailed godwit, 10 redshank, 18 dunlin, 191 knot, 14 lapwing, kingfisher, little grebe, 90 shoveler, 20 teal, 50 wigeon, 8 dark bellied brent goose and sparrowha

23 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide Great white egret. Peter Scott hide / Heron hide (Deep Lake) Kingfisher, 15 little egret, 7 tufted duck, 10 black tailed godwit, treecreeper, chiffchaff and 3 goldcrest.

20 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank British Steel hide 12 greenshank, 22 black tailed godwit, 17 redshank, 4 dunlin, 19 little egret, 14 cormorant, little grebe, 6 tufted duck, buzzard and peregrine. Lagoon Spot

16 October 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

British Steel hide/estuary Great white egret, 7 little egret, 2 water rail, 5 spotted redshank, 36 greenshank, 655 black tailed godwit, 3 redshank, 106 knot, 13 lapwing, 21 greylag goose, 64 wigeon, 3 peregrine, sparrowhawk, buzzard, 3 great crested grebe

15 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide A great white egret was on the Lagoon from the Observatory hide briefly early morning before relocating to the pools in front of the British Steel hide where it stayed for the rest of the day. Other counts include; 5 spotted redshank,

14 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide / estuary 5 spotted redshank, 53 greenshank, 460 black tailed godwit, 12 redshank, 8 dunlin, 151 knot, 12 little egret, 20 cormorant, 8 sandwich tern, 2 kingfisher, little grebe, great crested grebe, sparrowhawk, buzzard and stonechat.

13 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide 4 spotted redshank, 61 greenshank, 3 dunlin, 151 knot, 781 black tailed godwit, 156 redshank, 390 curlew, 42 lapwing, 33 little egret, 134 wigeon, 29 teal, 4 tufted duck, 14 shelduck, 27 greylag goose, 4 great crested grebe, kingfisher,

12 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide 2 spotted redshank, 68 greenshank, 797 black tailed godwit, 180 redshank, 156 knot, 36 little egret and 236 wigeon.

10 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide / estuary 19 eider, 4 dark bellied brent goose, 14 sandwich tern, 3 greenshank, 214 black tailed godwit, 95 redshank, 56 knot, dunlin, 145 curlew, 26 lapwing, 152 wigeon, 27 teal, 4 pintail, 8 shoveler, 7 tufted duck and 2 peregrine. La

9 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide (falling tide) Ruff, spotted redshank, snipe, 6 greenshank, 27 black tailed godwit, 10 redshank, 7 curlew, 15 lapwing, 12 little egret, 64 wigeon, 63 teal, 2 pintail, 4 tufted duck, 23 gadwall and peregrine. Lagoon 9 pintail, 101 teal,

7 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide 2 little stint, 48 greenshank, 4 spotted redshank, 420 black tailed godwit, 198 redshank, 19 dunlin and 96 knot.

3 October 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Heron hide / Peter Scott hide (Deep Lake) A great white egret was seen around mid morning. British Steel hide Marsh harrier, 2 little stint, 2 spotted redshank, 32 greenshank, 777 black tailed godwit, 137 redshank, 187 knot, 13 lapwing, 36 dunlin, 2 great

2 October 2014