Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Today's bird highlights

Today's bird highlights

2 kingfisher, 2 Mediterranean gull, 2 curlew sandpiper, 2 ruff, spotted redshank, 630 black tailed godwit, 51 greenshank, 58 redshank, 21 knot, 17 lapwing, 12 little egret, 42 teal, 46 wigeon, 18 shoveler, 3 Cetti’s warbler, 2 great spotted woodpecker,

6 September 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

2 curlew sandpiper, 3 ruff, 748 black tailed godwit, 57 greenshank, 87 knot, 36 lapwing, 39 little egret, 73 teal, 16 wigeon, 8 shoveler and kingfisher.

4 September 2014

Today's bird highlights

Today's bird highlights

3 garganey, spotted redshank, 500 black tailed godwit, 44 greenshank, 40 redshank, 7 lapwing, 9 wigeon, 33 gadwall, 6 shoveler, 40 little egret, peregrine, Cetti's warbler and kingfisher.

30 August 2014

Today's bird highlights

Today's bird highlights

2 garganey, ruff, spotted redshank, 53 knot, 2 bar tailed godwit, 571 black tailed godwit, 41 greenshank, 2 dunlin, 161 redshank, 11 lapwing, 68 teal, 61 gadwall, 10 shoveler, 5 wigeon, 23 shelduck, 34 little egret, 26 cormorant, sparrowhawk and a swift.

27 August 2014

Today's bird highlights

Today's bird highlights

2 ruff, kingfisher, 222 black tailed godwit, 34 greenshank, 2 knot, 2 dunlin, 149 redshank, 19 lapwing, 26 teal, 58 gadwall, 200 mallard, pintail, 11 little egret and sparrowhawk.

26 August 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

654 black tailed godwit, 28 greenshank, 2 ruff, 8 knot, common sandpiper, 31 redshank, 5 little egret and kingfisher.

20 August 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

2 garganey, 6 wigeon, 733 black tailed godwit, 17 greenshank, ruff, 5 knot, 3 dunlin, 22 redshank, 14 little egret, 2 great spotted woodpecker and green woodpecker.

18 August 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

6 whimbrel, 49 greenshank, 646 curlew, 572 black tailed godwit, 87 redshank, 44 little egret, cetti’s warbler, 4 little grebe and buzzard.

15 August 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Whimbrel, common sandpiper, 17 greenshank, 443 curlew, 173 redshank, 350 black tailed godwit, 52 little egret, buzzard and peregrine.

13 August 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Spotted flycatcher, kingfisher, green woodpecker, green sandpiper, 300 black tailed godwit, greenshank, 21 lapwing, great spotted woodpecker, 11 little egret, 3 little grebe and buzzard.

11 August 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Mediterranean gull, 23 little egret, 343 black tailed godwit, 52 greenshank, 168 redshank, 4 dunlin, 10 lapwing, 3 cetti’s warbler, wigeon and 2 great spotted woodpecker.

30 July 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

2 Mediterranean gull, 491 black tailed godwit, 2 knot, 2 dunlin, 14 lapwing, cetti’s warbler, 2 shoveler, little egret, 3 jay and 2 great spotted woodpecker.

27 July 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Mediterranean gull, 400 curlew, 372 black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, 6 greenshank, 32 redshank, 8 little egret, 3 cetti’s warbler, 5 sand martin, 2 jay, 2 great spotted woodpecker and buzzard.

17 July 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

2 common sandpiper, 440 curlew, 16 whimbrel, 250 black tailed godwit, 21 greenshank, 50 redshank, 4 little egret, 2 little grebe, 2 jay, great spotted woodpecker, sparrowhawk and buzzard.

16 July 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

885 curlew, 16 whimbrel, 300 black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, 28 greenshank, 100 redshank, 7 little egret, grasshopper warbler, 2 sedge warbler, 8 reed warbler, 4 jay, 2 great spotted woodpecker, sparrowhawk and kingfisher.

15 July 2014