Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

5 Mediterranean gull, garganey, 48 black tailed godwit, 5 cetti's warbler, lesser whitethroat, 3 sedge warbler, 16 reed warbler, 2 swift, 2 great spotted woodpecker and 2 jay.

4 June 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Cuckoo, 2 knot, little gull, Mediterranean gull, 300 black tailed godwit, greenshank, common sandpiper, 6 sedge warbler, 12 reed warbler, lesser whitethroat, 4 cetti's warbler, 2 great spotted woodpecker and 2 jay.

21 May 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

A spoonbill was seen flying over, heading up river, at 1:00pm today. Other highlights include little gull, Mediterranean gull, 3 whimbrel, sanderling, 2 ringed plover, 7 lapwing, 176 black tailed godwit, 14 dunlin, 48 curlew, 60 shelduck, shoveler, great

19 May 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Two glossy ibis have been seen from the heron hide today. Other highlights include little gull, 3 Mediterranean gull, 210 black tailed godwit, greenshank, 6 cetti's warbler, 2 whitethroat, 2 lesser whitethroat, 2 sedge warbler, 7 reed warbler, great spott

12 May 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

The glossy ibis is present in front of the heron hide and both garganey and little gull have been seen from the British Steel hide. Up to 4 Mediterranean gull, 450 black headed gull, 38 black tailed godwit and a common sandpiper have been sighted on the l

8 May 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Heron hide / millennium wetlands glossy ibis, sedge warbler, 10 reed warbler, 2 whitethroat, 19 blackcap, 3 cetti’s warbler, great spotted woodpecker, 4 little grebe, 38 tufted duck, 2 cormorant and 2 oystercatcher.   Lagoon garganey, 5 Mediterrane

7 May 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

The glossy ibis is present in front of the Peter Scott hide, where a drake garganey has also been sighted, although it is proving a little elusive! Other highlights include a little gull, 6 Mediterranean gull, 388 black tailed godwit, common sandpiper an

6 May 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide Glossy ibis, spotted redshank, 4 greenshank, 2 redshank, 9 little egret, 27 greylag goose, 25 shelduck and peregrine.   Lagoon Little gull, 5 Mediterranean gull, 370+ black headed gull, common sandpiper, 197 black tailed godwit and

5 May 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

The glossy ibis has reappeared in front of the heron hide. Other highlights include; little gull, 10 Mediterranean gull, 470 black headed gull, red kite, common sandpiper, 7 black tailed godwit, 2 greenshank, spotted redshank, 6 little egret, sedge warble

4 May 2014

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Little gull, 4 Mediterranean gull, 470 black headed gull, common sandpiper, 42 black tailed godwit, 4 greenshank, spotted redshank, 12 little egret, 2 sedge warbler, 12 reed warbler, 3 whitethroat, 4 blackcap, 3 cetti’s warbler, 54 shelduck, 2 wigeon, 7

3 May 2014

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Little gull, 8 Mediterranean gull, 450 black headed gull, 143 black tailed godwit, 5 greenshank, spotted redshank, 7 little egret, lesser whitethroat, 2 sedge warbler, 2 whitethroat, 7 reed warbler, 5 cetti’s warbler, 3 little grebe and 2 great spotted

30 April 2014

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Heron hide / millennium wetlands Glossy ibis, 4 little grebe, 2 oystercatcher. 5 teal, 3 shoveler, 6 cormorant, 4 lesser whitethroat, 3 whitethroat, 6 cetti's warbler, 2 sedge warbler, 6 reed warbler, 2 reed bunting, 14 blackcap, 3 chiffchaff, great spott

29 April 2014

Late morning update

Late morning update

The glossy ibis has reappeared in front of the heron hide. Other highlights include little gull, 5 Med gull, 22 black tailed godwit, ruff, 2 greenshank, 2 sedge warbler, 2 whitethroat, 2 reed warbler, 8 cetti's warbler, 3 reed bunting and 2 great spotted

27 April 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

The Franklin's gull has been seen this morning, but flew out on to the estuary at 9:50am, but we will keep you posted if it returns later! A little gull is present in front of the observatory, along with 6 Med gull, 450+ black headed gull, 18 black taile

27 April 2014

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Both the Franklin's gull and glossy ibis are present in front of the British Steel hide. A little gull has been seen on the lagoon, along with 5 Med gull and 475 black headed gull and up to 9 Cetti's warbler have been calling in the millennium wetlands.

26 April 2014