Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/viewing tower/estuary Up to 4 glossy ibis were seen briefly flying over the eastern edge of the saltmarsh this afternoon. Other sightings include 2 ruff, 11 redshank, 10 lapwing, 2 dunlin, 180 wigeon, 33 teal, 15 shoveler, 12 little egr

29 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

A pectoral sandpiper was seen briefly from the British Steel hide earlier today. Up to 3 glossy ibis have been seen in various locations throughout the day. Other highlights include 2 ruff, 18 black tailed godwit, greenshank, 35 redshank, 51 teal, 130 wig

28 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

The lesser yellowlegs has reappeared on the lagoon, where 2 ruff have also been present. Up to 4 glossy ibis have been sighted through the day and in various locations - these include the lagoon, saltmarsh and deep water lake in the millennium wetlan

23 October 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 2 great white egret, spoonbill, 17 little egret, 200 wigeon, 60 teal, 24 gadwall, 181 curlew, 6 black tailed goswit, peregrine and buzzard.

21 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

2 glossy ibis have been seen in front of the British Steel hide today along with a spoonbill, 340 wigeon, 112 teal, 12 shoveler, 8 black tailed godwit, 2 greenshank, peregrine, buzzard and sparrowhawk.

20 October 2013

One of up to five glossy ibis seen throughout the week

One of up to five glossy ibis seen throughout the week

Photos taken by David Williams

14 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Peter Scott hide/heron hide Up to 3 glossy ibis have been seen today along with kingfisher, 31 shoveler, 2 little grebe, 39 teal, 5 wigeon, 27 pintail, 37 gadwall, 55 mallard, 3 cormorant and 2 grey heron   British Steel hide/estuary 796 black tailed

14 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Millennium wetlands 3 glossy ibis have been seen in front of the Peter Scott & heron hides. British Steel hide spoonbill, 58 little egret, 318 black tailed godwit, 110 knot, 2 ruff, 23 greenshank, 70 redshank, 112 greylag goose, 200 wigeon, peregrine

9 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Millennium Wetlands Up to 5 glossy ibis have been seen on two occassions, albeit very briefly, from the heron hide/Peter Scott hide. British Steel hide/estuary Great white egret, lesser yellowlegs, spoonbill, 20 little egret, 3 ruff, 35 greenshank, 1

7 October 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary Lesser yellowlegs, 3 spotted redshank, 3 ruff, 1 grey plover, 130 redshank, knot, 12 greenshank, 20 black tailed godwit, 149 wigeon, 58 teal, 56 greylag goose, water rail and peregrine.

3 October 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

British Steel hide/estuary Lesser yellowlegs, spoonbill, 3 curlew sandpiper, ruff, 757 black tailed godwit, 44 greenshank, spotted redshank, 86 knot, 241 redshank and 12 lapwing.

13 September 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary Lesser yellowlegs, spoonbill, 3 curlew sandpiper, marsh harrier, ruff, grey plover, water rail, 709 black tailed godwit, 4 bar tailed godwit, 47 greenshank, spotted redshank, 103 knot, 246 redshank, 133 curlew, 20 lapwing, 9 dun

11 September 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Today’s sightings include lesser yellowlegs, spoonbill, 7 curlew sandpiper, ruff, 851 black tailed godwit, 52 greenshank, spotted redshank, 91 knot, 376 redshank, 326 curlew, 41 lapwing, snipe, 91 teal, 17 shoveler, 14 wigeon, 27 pintail and 31 little e

9 September 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Today’s highlights include spoonbill, 6 curlew sandpiper, 2 whimbrel, 795 black tailed godwit, 66 greenshank, ruff, 255 redshank, 221 curlew, 11 lapwing, 7 knot, 5 dunlin, 65 teal, 17 shoveler, 63 gadwall, 7 wigeon and 67 little egret.

6 September 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

This morning’s sightings include: spoonbill, 17 curlew sandpiper, spotted redshank, 2 whimbrel, 829 black tailed godwit, 71 greenshank, ruff, 380 redshank, 123 curlew, 37 lapwing, 11 dunlin, 26 teal, 9 shoveler, 33 gadwall, 53 little egret, peregrine an

5 September 2013