Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Today’s highlights include spoonbill, 140 black tailed godwit, 9 little egret, 2 sedge warbler, 20 reed warbler, lesser whitethroat, 3 whitethroat, 2 willow warbler, 2 cetti’s warbler, 11 chiffchaff, 14 blackcap, 15 swallow, 2 reed bunting, peregrine,

22 May 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill, 11 whimbrel, 2 black tailed godwit, 33 shelduck, 14 little egret and peregrine.   Lagoon 234 black tailed godwit, 220 black headed gull, 3 lapwing, 16 greylag goose, 11 gadwall, 14 mallard and 11 tufted duck. &nb

18 May 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

British Steel hide/estuary 37 whimbrel, 5 curlew, 12 black tailed godwit, 75 dunlin, 22 knot, 41 shelduck, 11 gadwall, 10 tufted duck, 9 little egret, peregrine, sparrowhawk.   Lagoon 270 black headed gull, 12 greylag goose, 30 gadwall, 27 mallard 4

15 May 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Todays highlights include 2 swift, 2 lesser whitethroat, 3 whitethroat, 15 reed warbler, 11 chiffchaff, 2 willow warbler, 15 blackcap, 3 cetti’s warbler, 25 swallow, 370 black tailed godwit, 53 shelduck, 49 gadwall, 18 tufted duck, 6 little grebe, 11 l

13 May 2013

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

Bird sightings grasshopper warbler, 2 lesser whitethroat, whitethroat, 6 reed warbler, 8 chiffchaff, 3 willow warbler, 6 blackcap, cetti’s warbler, 215 black tailed godwit, common sandpiper, 104 shelduck, 36 gadwall, 45 tufted duck, 4 little grebe, 9 li

2 May 2013

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

Bird sightings 2 lesser whitethroat, 2 whitethroat, 4 sedge warbler, 4 reed warbler, 15 chiffchaff, 3 willow warbler, 12 blackcap, cetti’s warbler, 3 reed bunting, 550 black tailed godwit, 6 greenshank, 2 common sandpiper, 17 knot, 33 redshank, 63 sheld

30 April 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

An avocet is present on the lagoon and is best viewed from the observatory hide. Other highlights include 480 black tailed godwit, 60 knot, 11 little egret, sedge warbler, 5 willow warbler, cetti’s warbler, 6 chiffchaff, 6 blackcap, 55 swallow, peregrin

21 April 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Today’s highlights include; Mediterranean gull , 195 black tailed godwit, 17 little egret, red kite, 2 sedge warbler, 10 willow warbler, 2 cetti’s warbler, 7 chiffchaff, 8 blackcap, 5 swallow, 2 peregrine, 2 kestrel, 3 buzzard, sparrowhawk, 5 little g

20 April 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill, 70 black tailed godwit, 4 little egret, 5 redshank, 33 shelduck, 2 great crested grebe and 2 peregrine.   Lagoon Mediterranean gull, 350 black headed gull, 16 greylag goose, 39 gadwall, 65 mallard 6 pochard and 1

17 April 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill, 5 swallow, 3 sand martin, wheatear, 3 greenshank, 51 black tailed godwit, 9 little egret, 72 curlew, 15 oystercatcher, 51 redshank, 5 great crested grebe, wigeon, 5 pintail and sparrowhawk.   Lagoon 71 black tail

12 April 2013

Today's bird highlights

Today's bird highlights

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill, 6 greenshank, 23 little egret, ringed plover, 27 curlew, 55 oystercatcher, goldeneye, 3 great crested grebe and peregrine.   Lagoon/observatory 150 black tailed godwit, 200 knot, 110 redshank, 350 black headed gu

11 April 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Today’s highlights include: spoonbill, 6 greenshank, 120 black tailed godwit, 2 ringed plover, 23 redshank, 2 wigeon, 4 little grebe, 17 little egret, chiffchaff, 2 blackcap, cetti’s warbler and kestrel.

10 April 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Today’s sightings include: 14 little egret, 6 greenshank, 178 black tailed godwit, 3 ringed plover, 70 redshank, snipe, 24 wigeon, 470 black headed gull, 5 little grebe, 12 chiffchaff and peregrine.

5 April 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

A firecrest has been seen this afternoon, near the heron hide. The spoonbill is still on the lagoon along with 6 greenshank and 81 black tailed godwit. Other highlights include 15 chiffchaff, goldeneye, peregrine, kestrel, wheatear and 2 cetti’s warbler

2 April 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

spoonbill, 8 greenshank, 40 black tailed godwit, 96 redshank, 37 wigeon, 63 shelduck, goldeneye, 11 little egret, 3 great crested grebe, 7 chiffchaff, white wagtail, 2 sand martin, white wagtail and sparrowhawk.

31 March 2013