Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Brambling, 4 water rail, kingfisher, 20 linnet, 14 fieldfare, 40 redwing, 3 bulfinch, treecreeper, 2 goldcrest, peregrine, sparrowhawk, 3 greenshank, 43 lapwing, 12 redshank, 19 brent goose, 44 greylag goose, 77 shelduck, 193 wigeon, 60 gadwall, 39 teal,

21 January 2013

Afternoon update

Afternoon update

A bittern has been seen in the reedbed adjacent to the Welsh Water hide and a drake goosander has been seen in front of the heron hide.

20 January 2013

Late morning update

Late morning update

A brambling has been seen in front of the British Steel hide and over 100 redwing and 25 fieldfare have been feeding on the fields at the back of the hide. 3 red breasted merganser, 3 goldeneye, and up to 7 great crested grebe have been seen on the estuar

20 January 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 17 brent goose, 18 greylag goose, 33 shelduck, 95 pintail, 56 wigeon, 18 gadwall, 28 teal, 15 mallard, 30 shoveler, 6 tufted duck, 2 goldeneye, 70 lapwing, 950 oystercatcher, 5 snipe, 84 black tailed godwit, 70 curlew, 5 little

20 January 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

British Steel hide/estuary 79 black tailed godwit, 7 greenshank, 110 redshank, 200 curlew, 25 snipe, 111 lapwing, 9 little egret, peregrine, sparrowhawk, kestrel, buzzard, 43 brent goose, 51 greylag goose, 57 shelduck, 45 wigeon, 27 shoveler, 2 water rail

16 January 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Today’s sightings include 212 black tailed godwit, 396 curlew, 145 redshank, 6 greenshank, 2 spotted redshank, 17 snipe, 79 lapwing, 3 water rail, peregrine, buzzard, kestrel, 55 wigeon, 37 shelduck, 33 shoveler, 2 little grebe, 4 great crested grebe, 1

15 January 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

Today’s highlights include; water rail. peregrine, buzzard, sparrowhawk, 7 little egret, 300 lapwing, spotted redshank, 21 redshank, 17 snipe, 2000 dunlin, 105 wigeon, great spotted woodpecker and 5 redwing.

9 January 2013

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Today’s highlights include; 405 lapwing, 58 snipe, 39 shelduck, 103 wigeon, 17 shoveler, 44 teal, 3 goldeneye, 4 little egret, 3 water rail, 4 little grebe, 3 great crested grebe, peregrine, sparrowhawk, great spotted woodpecker and 6 jay.

4 January 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 28 brent goose, 58 greylag goose, 96 shelduck, 360 pintail, 140 wigeon, 31 gadwall, 30 teal, 15 mallard, 12 shoveler, 3 pochard, 16 tufted duck, goldeneye, 380 lapwing, 840 oystercatcher, 15 dunlin, 25 snipe, 300 black tailed go

2 January 2013

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 167 black tailed godwit, 35 snipe, 153 lapwing, 15 redshank, 7 little egret, peregrine, 63 brent goose, 27 greylag goose, 30 shelduck, 145 wigeon, 17 shoveler, 190 pintail, 2 little grebe and 2 goldeneye.   Millennium wetla

31 December 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Today’s highlights include; 12 little egret, 405 lapwing, 61 redshank, 46 snipe, 24 shelduck, 168 wigeon, 37 shoveler, 54 teal, 2 goldeneye, 5 water rail, 4 little grebe, kingfisher, peregrine, buzzard, sparrowhawk, 2 reed bunting, treecreeper, goldcres

27 December 2012

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 84 curlew, 125 black tailed godwit, 25 snipe, 245 lapwing, 6 little egret, sparrowhawk, 20 brent goose, 41 greylag goose, 112 shelduck, 120 wigeon, 47 shoveler, 110 pintail, 3 little grebe and raven   Millennium wetlands Bi

23 December 2012

Afternoon update - bittern sighted

Afternoon update - bittern sighted

The first bittern for winter has arrived today and has been seen in the reedbeds near the Welsh Water hide.

9 December 2012

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 2 water rail, 43 curlew, 10 black tailed godwit, 4 redshank, 3 greenshank, 10 snipe, 397 lapwing, 86 dunlin, 11 little egret, peregrine, sparrowhawk, buzzard , 68 brent goose, 33 greylag goose, 53 shelduck, 126 wigeon, 58 gadwal

9 December 2012

Today's bird sightings

Today's bird sightings

A firecrest has been seen from the Brtish Steel hide today. Other highlights include include water rail, kestrel, 21 snipe, 175 lapwing, 51 wigeon, 2 little grebe, 9 little egret and great spotted woodpecker

8 December 2012