Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Migration update

Migration update

Curlew Between 40,000 and 50,000 migratory wildfowl and waders travel to the Burry Inlet to spend the winter every year. This year, we saw the unprecedented early arrival in July of hundreds of these birds due to cold weather and flooding resulting i

7 September 2012

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... Missing title ...

300 curlew 459 black tailed godwits 26 greenshank 248 redshank 1 spotted redshank 1 ruff 45 lapwing spoonbill cormorants littel egrets 21 wigeon gadwall teal shoveler kingfisher

30 August 2012

New species of damselfly arrives in Wales

New species of damselfly arrives in Wales

Small red-eyed damselfly at WWT Llanelli (Mark Hipkin) Small red-eyed damselflies have been recorded on the reserve here at WWT Llanelli, and according to the British Dragonfly Society, they are the first recorded any

24 August 2012

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

At least 20 small red eyed damselflies have been seen from the Peter Scott hide and the fishing platforms around the millennium wetlands. Other sightings include: spoonbill 3 garganey 49 greenshank 2 ruff green sandpiper 375 black tailed godwit 28 little

22 August 2012

Todays' wildlife sightings

Todays' wildlife sightings

Over 50 small red eyed damselfly have been seen around the Peter Scott Hide and fishing platforms in the Millennium Wetlands.   Green sandpiper 19 little egret 487 curlew 295 black tailed godwit 44 greenshank 211 redshank curlew sandpiper 2 ruff spot

20 August 2012

Latest sightings

Latest sightings

British Steel hide spoonbill 304 black tailed godwit 190 curlew 29 greenshank 67 redshank whimbrel 24 lapwing 30 little egret 9 great crested grebe sedge warbler Cetti’s warbler kingfisher

9 August 2012

Latest sightings

Latest sightings

British Steel hide spoonbill 304 black tailed godwit 190 curlew 29 greenshank 67 redshank whimbrel 24 lapwing 30 little egret 9 great crested grebe sedge warble [...]

9 August 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel Hide 598 curlew 22 whimbrel 16 greenshank 112 redshank 267 black tailed godwits Brent goose Peregrine Sparrow hawk Buzzard 3 great crested grebe

6 August 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel Hide   598 curlew 22 whimbrel 16 greenshank 112 redshank 267 black tailed godwits Brent goose Peregrine Sparrow hawk Buzzard 3 great cres [...]

6 August 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill ruff 135 black tailed godwit 1290 curlew 255 oystercatcher 95 redshank dunlin 5 greenshank 24 lapwing 17 little egret peregrine Millennium wetlands/canoe safari kingfisher water rail cetti’s warbler sedge warbler ree

29 July 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill ruff 135 black tailed godwit 1290 curlew 255 oystercatcher 95 redshank dunlin 5 greenshank 24 lapwing 17 little egret p [...]

29 July 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary spoonbill 168 black tailed godwit 1080 curlew 460 oystercatcher 110 redshank 17 dunlin 16 greenshank 16 lapwing 28 little egret Medit [...]

26 July 2012

Today's Wild Bird Sightings

Today's Wild Bird Sightings

177 Black tailed godwit 15 dunlin 135 Redshank 13 Greenshank 20 Lapwing c800 Curlew 36 Little egret Spoonbill 2 Mediterranean gull 9 common gull c500 Black head [...]

25 July 2012

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

33 Greenshank 1 Spotted Redshank 208 Black Tailed Godwit 34 Redshank c480 Curlew 11 Dunlin Brent Goose 24 Little Egret 1 Spoonbill  [...]

23 July 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

British Steel hide/estuary 210 black tailed godwit 590 curlew 31 oystercatcher 28 redshank 11 little egret 7 cormorant   Heron wing hide/Peter Scott hide 3 lit [...]

22 July 2012