Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A bittern has been seen in front of the Peter Scott hide this morning along with a wheatear and 2 chiffchaff. Other highlights include 290 oystercatcher, 87 curlew, 17 black tailed godwit, 2 greenshan [...]

16 March 2012

Afternoon sighting update

Afternoon sighting update

A bittern has been sighted from the Peter Scott hide flying south east towards the eastern scrapes and reedbed area. [...]

12 March 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

At least 3 chiffchaff – the first spring migrants were heard singing in the millennium wetlands this morning. At least 5 cetti’s warbler were heard also. Other sightings include 18 greylag [...]

12 March 2012

Today's wildlife sightings

Today's wildlife sightings

Bird sightings include 33 black tailed godwit, 2 greenshank, 17 knot, 51 lapwing, 37 redshank, 112 curlew, 4 snipe, 94 shelduck, 30 wigeon, 12 shoveler, 17 pintail, 71 tufted duck, 5 pochard, 11 littl [...]

11 March 2012

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

The pink footed goose is still present with the flock of greylag geese on the lagoon. Other highlights include 263 black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, 4 greenshank, 55 knot, 178 redshank, 172 curl [...]

7 March 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A pink footed goose is present with the flock of greylag geese on the lagoon. Also there, are 166 black tailed godwit, 6 greenshank and 5 knot. Other highlights include 118 shelduck, 33 wigeon, 14 tea [...]

6 March 2012

Today's wild bird sightings

Today's wild bird sightings

1 ruff 4 greenshank 36 black tailed godwits 103 wigeon 69 shoveler shelduck, tufted duck, pochard, teal, peregrine, 2 buzzard great spotted woodpecker w [...]

27 February 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Today’s highlights include 1990 oystercatcher, 5 grey plover, 320 lapwing, 355 knot, 121 dunlin, 7 snipe, 32 black tailed godwit, 59 curlew, 82 redshank, 6 little grebe, 4 great crested grebe, 1 [...]

26 February 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

1250 oystercatcher, 211 lapwing, 4 grey plover, 670 knot, 230 dunlin, 71 black tailed godwit, 53 curlew, 9 little egret, water rail, 91 brent goose, 34 greylag goose, 126 shelduck, 775 pintail, 104 wi [...]

17 February 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

218 brent goose, 73 greylag goose, 196 shelduck, 1060 pintail, 83 wigeon, 92 gadwall, 52 teal, 175 mallard, 79 shoveler, 18 pochard, 76 tufted duck, 1800 oystercatcher, 138 grey plover, 940 knot, 875 [...]

7 February 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Today’s sightings include 91 brent goose, 131 shelduck, 31 wigeon, 77 gadwall, 71 tufted duck, 11 pochard, 955 pintail, 174 shoveler, 2890 oystercatcher, 35 ringed plover, 61 grey plover, 271 kn [...]

6 February 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A great white egret is present on the saline lagoons and is best viewed from the British steel hide. Other sightings today include; red breasted merganser, 3 goldeneye, 3 little grebe, 3 great cr [...]

1 February 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

2 red breasted merganser 4 goldeneye 3 little grebe 475 lapwing 2 greenshank spotted redshank 3 snipe 2 water rail 31 shelduck 27 shoveler 103 wigeon 74 gad [...]

30 January 2012

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

2 red breasted merganser, 2 goldeneye and 8 great crested grebe were seen on the estuary at high tide. Other highlights include 550 lapwing, 6 greenshank, 3 spotted redshank, 7 black tailed godwit, 4 [...]

29 January 2012

Today's wild bird sightings

Today's wild bird sightings

10 grey plover 3 snipe 2 greenshank 709 lapwing c200 curlew on estuary 53 brent geese on estuary c200 dunlin goosander 53 greylag 126 wigeon [...]

23 January 2012