Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 10th - 15th September

Top sightings from this week include curlew sandpiper, little stint, cattle egret, ruff and a peregrine.

Top sightings from this week include curlew sandpiper, little stint, cattle egret, ruff and a peregrine.

Marsh Scrapes

3 curlew sandpipers were spotted on the Saline lagoon on Friday (15/09) in and amongst many other waders.

Another small wader was seen from the British Steel Hide – a little stint. It was spotted from the on Sunday (10/09).

Cattle egret continue to visit the Saline Lagoon and Dafen Scrapes. Four were observed on Friday.

Peregrine falcon have made repeated visits to the site this week. A peregrine was spotted on the saline lagoon on Monday. On Friday another was observed soaring over the Saline Lagoon, it appeared to take a particular interest in the greenshank that had settled. Flocks made up of up to 65 greenshank were disturbed repeatedly by the peregrine and took to the wing. Peregrine falcons largely eat birds that they catch on the wing through high speed downward stoops. They have been recorded to reach 242 mph when diving.

Ruff have been spotted on the Dafen Scrapes as well as in and amongst redshank, greenshank, dunlin, knot, black-tailed godwit, snipe and lapwing on the Saline Lagoon.

Freshwater Lagoon

Three female tufted ducks were observed from the Observatory.

Millennium Wetlands

A moth survey this week recorded many species. Featured species include: copper underwing, frosted orange, green carpet, lesser yellow underwing, large yellow underwing, light emerald, and smoky wainscot.

This week’s butterfly survey recorded the species: comma, meadow brown, red admiral, and speckled wood. A small copper was also seen on a separate occasion.

There was also a sighting of a very confident weasel which had made its way inside the centre for a brief visit!

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