Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 10th-16th April

Highlights - Otters, Orange Tip Butterflies, Common Sandpiper, Ruff, Sedge Warbler, Mediterranean Gull and Cuckoo flower

British Steel Hide

One juvenile ruff has stayed around this week, a spotted redshank has been seen coming into its striking black summer plumage and there has also been two common sandpipers on the saline lagoon and dafen scrapes. Orange tip butterflies have been abundant all over site, including the males with their beautiful markings. One of the chicks from the robin nest in the barn has fledged, although it still needs to improve its landing skills!

Millennium Wetlands

Deep water lake seems to have become very popular with otters, we've seen two adults and a juvenile swimming around multiple times this week, but there may be another group visiting the lake too. The reed warblers have finally been joined by a sedge warbler, but as their names suggest we hear them a lot more than we are lucky enough to see them. The elegant cuckoo flower has been coming into flower all over the millennium wetlands. A pair of mediterranean gulls look like they could start nesting on the stone island in front of the Sir Peter Scott hide any day now.

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