Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 15th -20th January

Highlights: Willow Tit, Otter, Marsh Harrier, Lesser Redpoll, Long-tailed Duck

Willow tits have been seen numerous times around the Pond Walk area of the reserve this past week, fingers crossed the recent habitat management work in the woodland area provides more suitable nesting opportunities for them in the future. The Otter pups showed well over the weekend at fishing platform five on the Northern Loop, with one pup swimming right towards a couple of the reserve team calling for its mum.

With the frost freezing the water these past few days the reserve is quieter than usual but there are still plenty of wildlife to see. A Marsh Harrier was seen flying overhead towards Deep Water Lake on Wednesday afternoon. There has been a few Lesser Redpoll sightings this week between the Heron's Wing and Sir Peter Scott hides, feeding on willow herb seed-heads. The Long-tailed Duck is still being spotted around the reserve mainly on Dafen Scrapes but also on Deep Water Lake.

On the East Scrapes active signs of Water Voles have been discovered whilst clearing willow scrub. Other work carried out this week by the reserves team includes nest box monitoring, this is to ensure that they are in good working order ready for the birds to use come spring.

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