Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 16th - 20th October

Highlights: Water Rail, Spotted Redshank, Ruff, Spoonbill, Green Sandpiper.

Saline Lagoon and Dafen Scrapes:

5 Spoonbills were seen throughout the week on the saline lagoon, 4 Ruffs (20/10 ) were seen alongside them. A Green sandpiper was also present (20/10) on the lagoon as well as a pair of Buzzards on the osprey platform. A Spotted Redshank (16/10) was seen amongst a group of 210 Dunlin (16/10), as well as 320 Knot (16/10).

The Dafen scrapes have been host to a variety of ducks with Teal, Mallard, Wigeon, Shelduck, Pintail and Tufted ducks (20/10) all being sighted in and around the water. Lapwing (20/10) have also found their way to the Northen banks of the Dafen scrapes visible from the British steel hide.

Millennium wetlands:

4 Snipe were observed from the Sir Peter Scott hide during the course of the week, alongside the usual visitors the site of Gadwall, Little Grebe, Little Egrets, Teal and Mute Swans.Along the Southern loop of the wetlands a Sparrow Hawk was seen on Monday (16/10), Thursday (19/10) and Friday (20/10).

Woodland Fungi:

With the damp weather rolling in the fungi are blossoming, and several new mushrooms have been recorded on the site through out the week: Glistening Inkcap, Shaggy Inkcap, Yellow Curtain Crust, Common White Inocybe, Halfglobe Mushroom and Common Conecap

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