Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 19th - 23rd December

Highlights - Female Otter and pups, Spoonbills, Great Crested Grebe and Woodcock.

British Steel Hide

The recently thawed lagoons are now busy with waders and wildfowl after the recent cold spell. Greenshank, Redshank, Dunlin, Curlew and Black-tailed Godwits can all bee seen roosting or feeding on the saline lagoons, especially at high tide. The six Spoonbills are still being seen, mostly asleep on the saline lagoons. Wildfowl numbers have been low recently but a nice range of species still around with Shoveler, Teal, Tufted Duck and Wigeon being seen. Two Buzzards have been seen out on the saltmarsh, often perching together on the Osprey Tower. A pair of Peregrines have been hunting together over the lagoons normally causing the birds to scatter. A Great Crested Grebe was seen out on the estuary, but very distant so a scope is needed. A late addition to this week's highlights included an Avocet and Pink Footed Goose seen out on the saltmarsh.

Millennium Wetlands

The female Otter and pups have been seen regularly on the camera traps station throughout the reserve. A Woodcock was flushed, unintentionally, from its day time roost. The feeders have been busy with small birds and the occasional Water Rail feeding below them. Goldcrests and the odd Siskin have been seen feeding between the Herons Wing and Peter Scott Hides.

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