Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 23rd-27th August

A wonderful week for wildlife on the wetlands. Long-billed Dowitcher, two Glossy Ibises, Marsh Harrier and hoards of waders.

British Steel Hide

An excellent selection of highlights from the scrapes around the Steel Hide this week, including a rather lovely pair of Glossy Ibises which dropped in on saline lagoons on the 25th (with one remaining on the 27th), up to four Spotted Redshanks, a Yellow Wagtail, a male Marsh Harrier and three Ruff.

Waterbird numbers: Up to 850 Black-tailed Godwits, 650 Curlews, 410 Redshank, 41 Bar-tailed Godwits 55 Greenshank, four Whimbrel, a Common Sandpiper, two Snipe and small numbers of Dunlin and Knot. In amongst the ducks on the Dafen Scrapes have been four Pintail and three Wigeon.

Kingfisher sightings have also been a regular feature this week with a bird hunting from the posts near the hide.

Observatory Hide

The stand-out highlight is of course the lovely adult Long-billed Dowitcher which has been affording incredible views at times on the freshwater lagoon. Also seen here have been two Green Sandpipers and a small selection of ducks.

Millennium Wetlands

A male Marsh Harrier has been seen hunting over the reserve this week, there have also been sightings of Kingfisher and Green Woodpecker. Long-tailed Tit flocks are regular and Chiffchaffs, Treecreepers and Blackcaps can often be found tagging along. With some nice calm, sunny weather this week Dragonflies and Butterflies have been out in full force, the latter often nectaring on Hemp Agrimony or Fleabane.


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