Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 24th-30th July

Highlights - Wood, Common and Green Sandpiper, Wigeon, Great White Egret, Whimbrel, Spotted Redshank and Red Kite.

British Steel Hide

The highlight this week has been the wood sandpiper, which was first spotted on the dafen scrapes on wednesday, and is still showing as of today. At one point a common and green sandpiper were on the scrapes at the same time too! There has been a great mix of waders on the saline lagoon this week including black-tailed godwit, curlew, whimbrel, dunlin, knot, greenshank, redshank and spotted redshank.

Millennium Wetlands

It's lovely to see the great crested grebe chicks on their parents backs each day. Also on deep water lake, the first wigeon of the year has been spotted extremely early. A great white egret was perching in a tree on saturday, which seems to be its favourite day of the week to visit. A red kite took advantage of the western scrapes being cut and was quartering above looking for disturbed mammals. There are lots of cinnabar moth caterpillars munching away at low vegetation and a few beautifully delicate common blue butterflies have been around too.

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