Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 27th – 1st November- December

Highlights: Redwing, Water rail, Lapwing and Snipe.

Saline lagoon and Dafen Scrapes:

This week has seen some freezing temperatures on the site with the Dafen scrape Lake closest to the British steel hide almost completely freezing over, small groups of Widgeon, Mallards, tufted ducks, Shoveler and Gadwall could be seen making the most of the small patches of thawing ice on the lake surface (01/12).The Saline lagoons on the estuary side of the British steel hide were almost fully frozen also, with small hold outs of Lapwing and Redshanks being seen at the perimeters of the lakes.

Millennium Wetlands:

On the Millennium wetlands this week with the first frosts of this winter having arrived, birds like Redwings and Fieldfares have started being seen more and more around the southern loop of the reserve. Continuing the trend of freezing lakes the Deep water lake visible in front of the Sir Peter Scott hide and Herons wing hide has also started to become partially frozen in the early morning, with this freezing we begin to see more of the elusive Water rail population on the reserve, braving open spaces in search of food.

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