Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 28th February - 5th March

Highlights - Common Gull, Woodcock, Spotted Redshank, Sparrows, Small tortoiseshell butterfly and Buff -tailed bumblebee

British Steel Hide

The best spot from the british steel hide this week was a not so common, common gull. Two spotted redshanks were in amongst the other waders which included knot, greenshank and curlew. It was also lovely to see some brent geese out on the estuary. Chiffchaffs have been a lot more vocal which is a sure sign spring has arrived.

Millennium Wetlands

As the weather has warmed up, insects have started to emerge, including buff-tailed bumblebee queens and small tortoiseshell butterflies. There have been a lot of mistle thrushes and bullfinches around this week, as well as good numbers of sparrows on the feeders. Out on the western scrapes, where we have Hereford and welsh black cattle grazing, there have been multiple sightings of woodcock which hopefully won't be the last this spring. A pair of kingfishers are still hanging around deep water lake and we are still hoping they may nest here.

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