Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 28th May - 3rd June

Highlights - Manx Shearwater, Knot, Sand Martin and Lesser Whitethroat

With the breeding season now well under-way, the Millennium wetlands is once-again, coming alive with young birds.

Juvenile ducks and geese can be seen on deep water lake, and families of tits and warblers are increasing around the reserve, with the young birds being very audible, begging for food.

Sand martins are now regularly showing interest in the sand martin bank, with lots of activity from multiple pairs occurring both in, and around the bank. Swallows are also breeding on site, but are further ahead and already sitting on eggs. Other summer migrants around the reserve include six species of warbler with the lesser whitethroat amongst this list.

A colourful array of dragonflies can be seen across the Millennium wetlands including the emperor dragonfly, broad-bodied chaser, blue-tailed damselfly and azure damselfly.

On the other side of the reserve, a group of six knot have been feeding in the freshwater lagoon, often accompanying a flock of black-tailed godwits that can regularly be found in this area. Yesterday, a flock of Manx shearwaters was spotted flying up the estuary at high tide, before most turned, and flew back out to sea.

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