Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 28th May - 4th June

Highlights: Pectoral Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover eggs, Barnacle gosling, Great Spotted Woodpecker chicks

Freshwater Lagoon

It has been confirmed this week that the Little Ringed Plovers are incubating eggs! We counted 2, but they can have up to 4 eggs and 2 broods. Also, here this week was a Pectoral Sandpiper, which stayed with us for 2 days giving good views from the Boardwalk Hide. Other birds seen here include the nesting Black-headed Gulls, Shelduck and Greylag goslings. The Black-tailed Godwit usually seen on the Saline Lagoons have moved to the Freshwater Lagoon to forage in large numbers.

British Steel Hide

With the lagoons still quite dry, it has been quiet here this week, although 1 Spoonbilll seems to be staying with us. On Dafen Scrapes, a male Wigeon has been seen recently, which is unusual for this time of year. We get large flocks in the winter, before they migrate to Scandinavia and Siberia to breed.

Out on the saltmarsh, Sea Thrift is beginning to bloom, blanketing the ground in a light pink hue.

Nests and Chicks

A surprising gosling seen recently is a Barnacle Goose in the European pen. Barnacle Geese breed in Greenland and Svalbard, but there are large numbers of resident feral birds in the UK, which is likely what the parents are. It is a fascinating addition to the Greylag and Canada goslings, which are growing up on site.

Great Spotted Woodpecker chicks have been making a racket in the Grounds, waiting for their parents to feed them. Listen out for their noisy calls, next time you visit!

Millennium Wetlands

After last week's selection of exciting birds, the Millennium Wetlands has been rather quiet this week. We are still waiting for the Kingfishers to fledge and have been keeping a close eye on them. If you creep up to the viewing screen you may catch a glimpse - please do let the team know if you see any signs of fledging.

This week, 15 sheep were released onto the Freshwater Lagoon to help manage the vegetation, while 18 cattle were put onto the Saltmarsh to do the same. Also, the bird feeders have been put back up outside the café on a snazzy, new post.

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