Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Sightings 3rd April - 9th April

Highlights - Ruff, Swallow, Sand Martins, Reed Warbler, Weasel. and Pygmy Shrew.

British Steel Hide

The highlight from the waders this week were definitely the first two ruff spotted on sunday. The number of sand martins seen flying over head has been nice and steady. A sparrowhawk has been displaying regularly, hopefully it will be successful in attracting a mate. As the weather improves its not just the butterflies and bumblebees that are emerging, this week marsh marigold and red campion have started flowering too.

Millennium Wetlands

Deep water lake seems to be a popular stop off for swallows, we've seen up to ten of these beautiful birds feeding there at one time. The reeds have been bursting with reed buntings singing to mark their territories along with the first reed warbler spotted this year. A pair of stone chat look like they could be breeding in the millennium wetlands, while in the yard, a pair of robins are already busy feeding their new chicks. The highlights this week for mammals were a weasel spotted on the northern loop and also a pygmy shrew that made its way into the visitor centre!

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