Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Recent Wildlife Sightings 17th - 23rd February

Highlights: Peregrine, Pochard, Barnacle Goose, Siskin

More varied weather this week brought some less rain-averse birds, with the usual waterfowl and passerines joined by some less common visitors to the reserve.

Highlights: Peregrine, Pochard, Barnacle Goose, Siskin

We’re starting to sound like a broken record as there was yet more rain this week! Thankfully, the downpours were interspersed with the odd sunny spell, so it wasn't all doom and gloom for wildlife on the reserve.

On Deep Water Lake, a small group of Pochard were seen after being absent for a few weeks. This species of diving duck has suffered a decline in recent decades, leading to it being classified as Red on the UK Birds of Conservation Concern list. As such, it’s a welcome sight to see seven back on the reserve.

Around Northern Loop, a flock of Siskin were seen dashing between Alder trees to feed on their seeds. This small species of finch is a partial migrant, meaning that some birds are resident all year round, while others arrive from Europe to spend the winter here. They are most likely to be confused with the more common Greenfinch, but male Siskin usually stand out due to their bright yellow breast and black crown and bib.

From British Steel Hide, a pair of Barnacle Goose were seen amongst the more familiar Canada Goose. Although smaller than Canada Goose, Barnacle Goose have more bold markings with grey barring on their wings and a white front, in contrast to their black neck and off-white face. As well as these striking geese, a Peregrine was also spotted on the grass surrounding Saline Lagoon. Despite being the fastest bird on the planet, this male was taking a more leisurely approach to his Friday morning by sitting on the ground for most of it.

Note: The centre will be closed on Sunday 25th February for essential electrical work to take place.

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