Come bird watching with the star of BBC’s The One Show

Mike Dilger - providing a welcome resting spot for a Woodcock
Mike Dilger - providing a welcome resting spot for a Woodcock

TV naturalist and The One Show presenter Mike Dilger is will be at WWT London Wetland Centre on Saturday 2 February 2013 to open a bird watching hide. Visitors to the Centre are invited to come along and join Mike watching the beautiful birds that spend the winter at WWT London Wetland Centre, including teal, wigeon, lapwing, redshank and – with a bit of luck – the elusive bitterns that stalk their prey through the reedbeds.

The newly refurbished Headley Hide will be kitted out to make it easier for people who are new to wildlife-watching to know what to look out for, with big windows, comfortable seating, a bird ID guide, binoculars and telescopes.

In addition, visitors can buy tickets for an evening talk with Mike, starting at 6.00pm, who will be speaking about his experiences as a TV presenter, naturalist and author. These tickets, which include a glass of wine, are exclusively available through WWT and are priced at £15.00. They make ideal presents for wildlife enthusiasts and all proceeds go to charity.

Mike’s talk will be the final one in a series of nine, one at each of WWT’s Centres around the UK. He will be attempting something no one else has achieved; visiting all nine Centres on consecutive days.

Mike is regularly watched by millions on The One Show. His energetic, down-to-earth style and encyclopaedic knowledge of the natural world appeal to wildlife lovers of all ages and interests.

Mike said: “Starting on the 25th of January I shall be attempting what (to my knowledge) no human has ever managed – to visit all of the Wildfowl & Wetland Trust Centres in nine consecutive days. Every night I will be recounting the trials and tribulations of being a TV presenter, which I hope you can come to, but WWT haven’t let me off that lightly. Every step of the way, I’ll be on a whistle-stop wetland tour, meeting loads of people as, completing ridiculous challenges to raise money for wetlands and seeing some of the UK best winter wildlife. I urge you to come down when we come to town.”

The ticket price for the 6pm talk is £15.00 and includes a glass of wine or soft drink.

Tickets must be pre-booked on 020 8409 4400. 6pm on Saturday 2 February.

WWT London Wetland Centre’s newly refurbished Headley Hide will be opened by Mike on Saturday 2 February, during the afternoon. Visitors will be able to join Mike bird watching on a first come, first served basis. Places are free with admission to the Centre and may be limited.

See our full events list here

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