Bittern on the reservoir lagoon

Little Gull and Oystercatcher spotted on the main lake in the afternoon

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon

1 Little Egret - main lake p.m.

1 Goldeneye - sheltered lagoon

2 Shelduck - wader scrape

2 Pintail - main lake

2 Little Gull - main lake p.m.

2 Oystercatcher main lake p.m.

4 Redshank - grazing marsh

7 Snipe - grazing marsh

3 Water Pipit - grazing marsh

5 Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lagoon, West route, wildside

March bird highlights: Bittern, Goldeneye, Yellow-legged Gull, Iceland Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Water Rail, Curlew, Redshank, Jack Snipe, Water Pipit(2), Stonechat(8), Little Egret, Red Kite, Chiffchaff.

Reptiles: Common Lizard recorded 1st February.

Early flowering plants: Marsh Marigold, Cowslip, Ragwort, Daisy, Winter Aconite, Snowdrop, Hazel, Primrose, Stinking Hellebore, Butcher's Broom, Gorse, Early Crocus, Meadow Buttercup, Wild Daffodil, Wild Plum, Blackthorn, Sallow.

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